The Men’s Ministry mission is to serve and edify our church and community by encouraging men in the pursuit of and promoting of biblical manhood through teaching, events, and ministry unique to men. We believe men and women are equal as persons before God and yet unique and different by creation. Both Adam and Eve were created in God’s image yet given distinct roles and responsibilities (Genesis 1:26-27, 2:18). In his distinct roles and responsibilities, man is called to lead, protect, and provide in varying ways according to his relationships. This call to lead expresses itself rightly as men seek to serve and sacrifice for the good of others, following the example of Christ and exhibiting true greatness (Mark 10:42-45). Embracing biblical manhood includes turning from the sins of passivity and domineering. Moreover, all men are called to serve and lead others (Luke 22:26). Therefore, the QCOG Men’s Ministry seeks to encourage the pursuit and promotion of biblical manhood in the life of each man, though its expression will different according to his relationships.